Professional Lawn Care | Serving Lewsiville, Highland Village, Flower Mound, Coppell, Castle Hills

Meiers Landscape Maintenance

Lewisville, TX 75067
(972) 365 - 8772

Shrub Trimming | Mulch & Bed Cleanup

Shrub Trimming | Mulch and Bed Cleanup | Lewisville Lawn Care


We have two labor rates.

The labor rate for clients who are not on our regular lawn mowing or lawn treatment schedule is $75/man-hour, plus a $25 trip charge.

Our labor rate for regular clients (that is, clients who are on our lawn mowing or lawn treatment schedule) is $64.50 per man-hour, plus a $25 trip charge.  Clients who enroll in the automatic shrub trimming and clean-up service are not subject to the $25 trip charge.

Partial hours are billed by 5 minute increments, so if our crew finishes in under an hour, you don’t have to pay for the full hour. Normally, we run a two-man crew, so please bear in mind, a two-man crew does bill at $129.00 per hour for regular clients and $150 per hour for clients who not on our lawn mowing or lawn treatment schedule. We never run a three-man crew. It is always a two-man crew unless someone is absent.

With automatic shrub trimming and clean-up, we automatically send our shrub crew out at an interval that you request. Most clients choose automatic visits every 4 or 5 months, but we can accommodate any schedule up to once a year. Our crew will use their own judgement to trim the shrubs, clean the beds and clean the winter leaves. Please feel free to call for additional visits at any time, it is never a problem. Any time a client calls for help with this crew, their next due date will be moved further out. As long as you are enrolled in the automatic program, you never pay the $25 trip charge.

We are glad to bring fresh cedar mulch for your landscape beds. The charge for the mulch is the lesser of a $60 delivery fee and $5.00 per bag OR $7.00 per bag with no delivery fee. The break point is 30 bags, so if we go over 30 bags, you pay the delivery fee and $5.00 per bag. Each bag is 2 cubic feet of mulch.

Shrub Trimming
Our shrub crew is equipped with the right tools for the job.  Our shrub crew carries chain saws, chippers, pole saws, articulating hedge trimmers and lots of other specialized equipment.

Debris Is Left By The Curb For Trash Pickup
When we trim your shrubs and trees, we will run all the branches and limbs through our portable 2.5″ chipper.  The chipped material is bagged into 30 gallon trash bags and left by the curb for trash pick up.  Larger branches will be cut to firewood length and either stacked on your firewood pile (at your request) or placed by the curb for trash pick up.

In Highland Village and Coppell, please be advised that city ordinance requires the use of paper bags for yard waste and a fee of $2.25 per brown paper bag will be added to your bill or we are happy to tell our crew to use your paper bags if you have them available. Clients in other cities where we are able to use standard 30 gallon plastic trash bags are not subject to the paper bag fee.

How Long Will The Beds Stay Clean?
Our mulch and bed clean up service consists of cutting and spraying all weeds and installing new mulch to a ~3” depth.  Please realize that cleaning the beds once is only a temporary fix.  Weeds are always germinating and it is impossible to remove all the roots in our clay soils, so the beds may be weedy just a few weeks after they are cleaned, even sooner if there is a lot of rain.

If you would like us to control the weeds in the beds, please inquire about our bed weed control service.

We monitor complaints very closely. Our two-man shrub crew does very good work and we do get some clients who go out of their way to call and let us know how pleased they are. If you are not happy with the work our crew does, please call the office to discuss.

It is extremely rare that we get complaints on this crew.

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