Professional Lawn Care | Serving Lewsiville, Highland Village, Flower Mound, Coppell, Castle Hills

Meiers Landscape Maintenance

Lewisville, TX 75067
(972) 365 - 8772

Lawn Weed Control

Lawn Care | Lawn Weed Control

Most lawns are $58 per treatment. We discount the price to $55 if you do not require the call-ahead.

You are under no obligation to continue service.  However, we strongly encourage you take at least four applications before deciding whether or not the program is of benefit.  One applications is seldom enough time to see significant results.

Heavy Shade
Our program will not cause grass to grow in areas where you have bare dirt.  Mother nature has spoken, there is too much shade for bermuda.  If you have bare dirt under your trees, you will need to do something different.  Please call the office to discus at 972-365-8772.

Our Program
Our lawn program consists of eight treatments per year.

Dogs, Children & Our Treatments
Dogs and children need to stay off the lawn until our liquid applications have had time to dry.  If you have a dog that normally stays in the back lawn, you need to be on our call ahead list, which means we will call you the day before the application so you can kennel your dog.  You’ll also need to be on our call ahead list if you normally keep your gate locked.

Hard to control weeds
Pre-emergence applications do not effect this weed.  This weed requires a special herbicide to kill it without damage to the lawn.  We are one of the few companies in the area that doesn’t charge extra to spray this weed.

Crabgrass This weed is easy to control if you take the pre-emergence applications in the spring.  With this weed, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  If you are starting service in the middle of the summer and you’ve already got crabgrass, we will only spray this weed if you agree to pay extra.  It will generally take two to six applications on seven-day intervals to kill this weed, and we charge for each application.  The best thing to do is simply be patient, accept the weed, stick with the program and realize that our pre-emergence applications will prevent it next year.

Dallisgrass This is by far the worst weed we encounter.  Because this weed is perennial, meaning it comes back from the roots every year, our pre-emergence applications do nothing to stop it.  If you had dallisgrass last year, you will have it again this year.  It will generally take four to seven applications on seven-day intervals to kill this weed, and we charge for each application.

Wild Fescue or Perennial Rye Clumps These weeds are yet another weed we hate to encounter.  If you over-seeded your lawn last year with winter grass and you didn’t do it this year, you can count on this weed.  Most fescues and ryes will die in the summer, but a few will survive by going dormant.  If they survive the summer and you have these weeds in the winter, we will have to make an extra application within 3 days of a hard freeze and we charge for that application.

Poa Annua This weed is only a problem in the later winter and early spring.  This weed will die in the early summer once we start getting daily highs of 90 degrees.  Our fall applications prevent this weed from germinating.  If you miss our fall applications and get this weed, we will have to make an extra application within 3 days of a hard freeze and we charge for that application.

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